Admont, Austria
7.200 m2
Project Team
Gerhard Schweitzer, Franz Stiegler-Hameter, Frederick Baldasty, Christian Rauch, Gernot Ritter,
Veronika Hofrichter-Ritter
Koala landscape office, Köflach
Interactive Presentation
Christian Freissling,, renderings, Film
Paul Frick,, Modellbau
Richard Dank. Programmierung
Im Jahr 2024 feiert das Benediktinerstift Admont sein 950-jähriges Jubiläum. Dies haben Abt Gerhard und das Kapitel zum Anlass genommen eine architektonische Gesamtvision zur Neugestaltung des südlichen Bereichs des Stiftsareals zu entwickeln. Den dafür geladenen Architekturwettbewerb konnten HOFRICHTER-RITTER Architekten ZT GmbH aus Graz für sich entscheiden.
In 2024, Admont Abbey is celebrating its 950th anniversary. Abbot Gerhard and the chapter have used this as an opportunity to develop an overall architectural vision for redesigning the southern part of the monastery grounds. HOFRICHTER-RITTER Architekten ZT GmbH from Graz won the architectural competition announced for this purpose.
Interactive Presentation at the Admont Abbey:
The overall architectural vision
Admont Abbey is a Benedictine monastery, founded in 1074, and now the oldest existing monastery in Styria. In addition to the Admont abbey church and the monastery, numerous further buildings are located on the property, such as the Admont Abbey library with the archive, the entire museum complex and the Benedictine grammar school.
In 2024, Admont Abbey is celebrating its 950th anniversary. Abbot Gerhard and the chapter have used this as an opportunity to develop an overall architectural vision for redesigning the southern part of the monastery grounds. HOFRICHTER-RITTER Architekten ZT GmbH from Graz won the architectural competition announced for this purpose.
also invited:
Marte Marte Architekten, Feldkirch
Querkraft Architekten, Wien
Wehdorn Architekten, Wien
Arch Consult, Graz
The visitor centre / The new gate to Admont Abbey
With a total of 7,200 m2 usable area, a linear, connecting building supplements the existing buildings to create a complete ensemble that does justice to both the historical architectural monuments and the functional requirements of a modern tourism experience.
Like a precise surgical cut, the architects place a slightly curved, linear structure in the historical ensemble, and at its connection points with the existing buildings – both aboveground and underground – existing qualities come to the fore again. This gives the visitor completely new perspectives along the way, with interesting insights into the centre of the monastery.
From the car park, you enter the central “gate” – the reception area, from where you pass into the world of wine on the left, filled with wines from the monastery vineyard, as well as the centrally situated monastery shop, or to the right into the centre of the monastery with the abbey church, into the museum or the monastery library.
…if you add the missing piece to an architectural ensemble, completely new perspectives often emerge…
HOFRICHTER-RITTER Architekten March 2024
Ausgewählte Arbeiten
OASEpublik building
Bildungsbrücke KnittelfeldInfrastrukture building
Sparkassenfiliale am Eisernen Torpublik building
Begegnungszentrum Kirchbachpublic building
Visitor Center Belvederepublic building
Kindergarten Weizschool building
Modul Kindergartenschool building
Verabschiedung Zentralfriedhofreligious building
Kiubo Seiersberghousing
Hospiz Sauerbrunnhealth building
KIUBO / WINNER FIABCI Award 2022How will we live together?
Wohnbau Martinsgassehousing
Masterplan Wolfgarten Eisenstadtmasterplan
Kirche Bruckneudorfreligious buliding
St. Peterreligious building
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Haus Rafael 2020housing
MG 4345 / Queen Mary 2021office building
Chapel of Rest 2010religious building
Blue Box 2012sports building
Kolumbarium 2007religiouse building
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Haus Pfister 2011housing
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Dachstein 2006public building
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Gesundheitszentrum Mureckhealth building
Abschiedreligious building
Ärztezentrum Eibiswaldpublic building
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Austria Email 2006office building
BGS Mureckpublic building
Wörtherschlössl 2021housing
Thalia 2013public building
Störzucht 2020office building
Terrassenhaus 2008housing
Altarraum St. Georgen 2012religious building
Kindernest 2007public building
Andorrasports buliding
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Lorberplatz Mureck 2020open space
Fachschule Gröbming 2010public building
OSLO 2010public building
Bad Eggenberg 2009sports building
Altstadtpassage Graz 2012öffentlicher Raum
Holmenkollensports building
Eishalle Kapfenberg 2016sports building
IST 2018office building
Hannover 2014sports building
Seebad Breitenbrunn 2016public building
Compedition IST-Austriapublic building
Compedition-MZ-Wienpublic building
Eishalle Liebenau 2018sports building
Private-Banking 2021Project type
HOME 2.0housing
Masterplan Zentralfriedhof GazMasterplan
Haus Isoppsingle housing
compedition library helsinkipublic building
AHS Guntramsdorfpublic building
UNI-Leoben 2019public building
Hügellandhallepublic building
Compedition ASKÖ-Sporthalle 2009sports building
cool cityhousing
Oase Triesterstrasse 2019housing
Serlacius Museummuseum
Foyer Sparkassecorporate indoor design
Planai West 2006infrastructure building
Fürchtet Euch nicht!religious building
Ski Jump Sarajevo 2009sports building
Sky Gatesports building
3*nomad 2003hospitality
Science Center Belgrad 2008office building
Sportpark Kopersports building
Masterplan Sarajevo 2003urban planning
Wohnbau Wagna 2011social housing
LSF Graz 2012health building
Tanztheater Sundsvallpublic building
Architekturwahnsinnexperimental architecture
Brunnenhof 2009open space
Villa Pprivate housing
Begegnungshalle Gosdorf 2008public building
Fertigoffice building
compedition eishalle kapfenbergsports building
Sportpark Hüttenbrennergassesports building